Keeping up with the consumer

We’ve all heard the phrase “keeping up with the times.” However, as a company, it’s more important to keep up with consumer. They’re always on the go, and you should be too—or risk missing out on business.

With increasing usage of laptops, tablets and cell phones for pleasure and on-the-go work, it’s vital your website and mobile applications are user-friendly and work smoothly.

Having a mobile application developed and ensuring your website is reactive is the first step in increasing engagement with consumers. What many companies don’t realize, however, is that you can’t stop there. According to TechTarget, applications need to be modernized continuously. Application modernization projects, however, can often become caught up in technical issues and disconnected from the real goals of the project.

TechTarget’s article focuses on how project goals should drive the methods used in application modernization—and we completely agree. Too often, companies put the cart before the horse.

At Across Borders, we specialize in looking at your existing platforms and applications before making a plan so we can both drive business and customize a solution that fits seamlessly with your system. And of course, we are experts in the most innovative technology solutions for all of your mobility needs, including mobile websites, enterprise mobility solutions, mobile applications and mobile porting solutions.

Get on the right track to keep up with your consumers. Call us at 352-720-3164 to get started.

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